Donate Now

Donating to Nottinghamshire Building Preservation Trust helps us to continue to support at risk heritage sites in Nottinghamshire.

Reasons to support the Nottinghamshire Building Preservation Trust:

  • Nottinghamshire Building Preservation Trust is a local organisation, preserving heritage sites in the county for future use.
  • We have experience in conserving and renovating local sites, but rely on your support to continue this work.
  • By receiving donations, we can increase the impact we have.
  • Donations also help us to build funds for the future, to ensure we can continue to preserve Nottinghamshire heritage in the future.

How to donate

You can donate to NBPT through a variety of ways

One-off Donation

We welcome all donations, big and small. Donations can be made by using the Donate button below which will give the options of PayPal or credit card payments.


Make Nottinghamshire Building Preservation Trust a beneficiary of your will.

Remembering the Nottinghamshire Building Preservation Trust in your Will helps to secure the future of our work for future generations to enjoy.

Support us in other ways

Alternatively, you can support NBPT in other ways.


You could join us as NBPT member. We have different types of membership, ranging from individual to organisational. See our membership pages for more details.


You could donate your time to the trust, by volunteering. See our volunteering page for information about the volunteering we currently have available.

Patronage or Sponsorship

The Trust welcomes applications for patrons or sponsors. If you are interested in supporting the trust in this way, please click on the link below to request more information.