for best restoration of a building, or best new building within a Nottinghamshire village setting
Nominations are invited from individuals, architects, builders and local Councils, for buildings to be considered for the above award.
The prestigious Harry Johnson Award, sponsored by the Nottinghamshire Building Preservation Trust with the Nottinghamshire Branch of the Campaign to Protect Rural England, is given every two years to acknowledge good design and best practice in building, whether restoration or new-build, in the countryside.
Buildings should have been completed within the last three years. The judges will be looking especially for smaller buildings (new-build or restorations of existing structures) and individual effort. It is helpful to the judges if a brief description of the building and its history are supplied, with ‘before’ and ‘after’ photographs if possible.
Nominations should be delivered to the Secretary of the Nottinghamshire Building Preservation Trust, The Minster Chambers, Church Street, Southwell, Nottinghamshire NG25 0HD, not later than 15th May, 2016.
A site visit may be required and entrants will be contacted to make the arrangements
Maureen Stockwood
Chairman (Nottinghamshire Building Preservation Trust) 22nd January 2016
HARRY JOHNSON AWARD 2016 – Entry form
Click on the form below to download and print your entry for return to the Secretary of the Nottinghamshire Building Preservation Trust, The Minster Chambers, Church Street, Southwell, Nottinghamshire NG25 0HD, not later than 15th May