Useful Links
NBPT Facebook
The Nottinghamshire Building Preservation Trust Facebook page. Follow our page for news, updates and photos of our projects and events.
The NBPT also run a then and now group on Facebook, where you can share your photos of Nottinghamshire’s built heritage as it was in the past and how it is now. Follow the link below to join the group and start sharing your photos!
Heritage Trust Network

Heritage Trust Network (formerly the Association of Building Preservation Trusts) is a membership organisation run by people who have delivered amazing heritage projects. Their mission is supporting the work of local heritage groups, whether they be building preservation trusts, community trusts or social enterprises.
Historic Buildings and Places

Historic Buildings & Places champions historic buildings and places of all ages and all types and works to provide a sustainable future for them. We are also a National Amenity Society and as such we have a role as a Consultee on Listed Building Consent applications. Our organisation was previously known as the Ancient Monuments Society until October 2021 when we adopted Historic Buildings & Places as our working title.
Architectural Heritage Fund

The Architectural Heritage Fund (AHF) is a registered charity which helps to repair and give new life to historic buildings of every kind throughout the United Kingdom.
British Sundial Society

The BSS Library is held locally at Bromley House, Angel Row, Nottingham.
Building Conservation
1360 pages of essential building conservation information, including articles by leading authorities, contact details for companies, organisations, products and materials, details of courses and more.
The Churches Conservation Trust

The Churches Conservation Trust is a national charity protecting historic churches at risk. Since being established in 1969, it has saved over 340 buildings which attract over 2 million visitors each year.
Civic Voice

Working with Civic Societies, Civic Voice works to make places more attractive, enjoyable and distinctive and to ensure everyone lives somewhere they can be proud of. A powerful voice promoting civic pride in a fast changing world is needed now more than ever.

The CPRE is the NBPT’s partner in awarding the Harry Johnson Award. The CPRE is a national charity which helps people to protect and enhance the countryside for present and future generations.
Edwinstowe Historical Society
In the 1960’s, a collection of old post cards inspired a number of members of the community to attend the Workers’ Educational Association Local History courses and to form the Edwinstowe Historical Society with the aim of researching, saving and sharing materials relating to the history of our village and surrounding area.
Over the years hundreds of documents and photographs were added to the collection recording the social and physical change to the village and its close links with Sherwood Forest over the past two thousand years. The heritage stretches back to the 7th century when a small chapel was built as a shrine to St Edwin in the forest clearing to be known as Edwin Stowe, the place of Edwin.
In the 1960’s, a collection of old post cards inspired a number of members of the community to attend the Workers’ Educational Association Local History courses and to form the Edwinstowe Historical Society with the aim of researching, saving and sharing materials relating to the history of our village and surrounding area.
Over the years hundreds of documents and photographs were added to the collection recording the social and physical change to the village and its close links with Sherwood Forest over the past two thousand years. The heritage stretches back to the 7th century when a small chapel was built as a shrine to St Edwin in the forest clearing to be known as Edwin Stowe, the place of Edwin.

Historic England is the Government’s lead body for the historic environment in England. It is responsible for protecting the best of this country’s unique legacy of historic buildings, landscapes and archaeological sites for the benefit of this and future generations.
The Georgian Group
The Georgian Group exists to save Georgian buildings, monuments, parks and gardens from destruction or disfigurement, and where necessary to encourage their appropriate repair or restoration and the protection and improvement of their setting.
Haggs Farm Preservation Society

The Haggs Farm Preservation Society were formed in March 1986, to encourage the preservation of Haggs Farm, Underwood, and to reinforce its vital importance to the early formative years of D.H. Lawrence’s development.
Institute of Historic Building Conservation

The Institute of Historic Building Conservation is the professional institute which represents conservation professionals in the public and private sectors in the United Kingdom and Ireland. The Institute exists to establish the highest standards of conservation practice to support the effective protection and enhancement of the historic environment.

A website with superb drawings of windmills and watermills from both the UK and other countries. John Brandrick is a retired draughtsman/engineer who worked in the construction industry for over fifty years.
The Mills Archive

The Mills Archive is a charity that aims to preserve and protect our milling heritage along with records of our milling heritage, to make them freely available to the public.
To become the national centre of excellence for learning, understanding and research on mills, milling and the historic uses of traditional power sources.
The Maurice Barley Photograph Collection
Over 5000 prints and negatives accumulated over many years, catalogued by Historic England and dating from the 1940’s. The contents focus on vernacular houses and farmsteads of the East Midlands, some taken just before demolition.
Nottingham Civic Society
The organisation was founded in 1962, caring about the city and dedicated to make it a better place in which to live, to work and relax.
Its aim is to preserve and enhance the character of the city by advising and campaigning on:
- The historic areas, buildings and public spaces;
- Good design in new developments and regeneration area;
- Sustainability and quality of life in the city.
- Activities also include the production of a range of publications on Nottingham and its historic buildings and areas, a lecture programme, visits to places of local interest and those further afield and the sponsorship of restoration and enhancement projects.
Nottinghamshire County Council
Nottinghamshire County Council heritage department offers a wealth of knowledge and provides advice to local authorities, community groups, heritage professionals and members of the public.
Nottinghamshire Historic Environment Record (Notts HER)
The Nottinghamshire Historic Environment Record (HER – formerly known as the Sites and Monuments Record) is a database of information on archaeological sites and finds, historic buildings and historic landscapes in Nottinghamshire.
The HER forms part of a network of similar records across the United Kingdom. It includes sites dating from the Palaeolithic (from about 500,000 years ago) through to the 20th Century.
Nottinghamshire Heritage Forum
Nottinghamshire Heritage Forum was founded in 2011 with members from Local Authority, University and independent museums, heritage attractions and sites throughout the county.
Nottinghamshire Historic Churches Trust
This Trust raises money to grant-aid historic churches and chapels in Nottinghamshire.
The Old Mansfield Society
Established in 1919. The very first meeting and lecture that took place was held at the Town Hall in March 1919, the lecture which was prepared by Mr. Albert Sorby Buxton was about Mansfield street names and places and their origins. All Meetings take place at the St. Peter’s Centre, Church Side, Mansfield, NG18 1AP.
Sherwood Archaeological Society
A group of archaeology students formed a society at the suggestion of the late Professor Maurice Barley in the 1960s. This group created the Sherwood Archaeological Society in its present form.
Southwell Archaeology
A community group dedicated to the exploration and preservation of the archaeology of the ancient Minster town of Southwell and its surroundings. Here you can find out about what they do and how to get involved in uncovering the history of Southwell and its past.
SAVE Britain’s Heritage
SAVE has been described as the most influential conservation group to have been established since William Morris founded the Society for the Protection Ancient Monuments over a century ago.
The Prince’s Foundation

The Prince’s Foundation promotes a return of human values to architecture, the building arts, urban design and regeneration. It links ideas with practical action, drawing on a track record of teaching in the building arts and crafts.
Southwell and Nottingham Church History Project

Southwell and Nottingham Church History Project. A database of archaeological, architectural and historical information on the 300+ churches and 100+ former churches and sites.
Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings

The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings was founded by William Morris in 1877 to counteract the highly destructive ‘restoration’ of medieval buildings being practised by many Victorian architects. Today it is the largest, oldest and most technically expert national pressure group fighting to save old buildings from decay, demolition and damage.
The Thoroton Society

The Thoroton Society is Nottinghamshire’s principal historical and archaeological society. Founded in 1897 and named after Dr Robert Thoroton. The membership is worldwide and includes individuals, libraries and museums in four continents.
The Vernacular Architecture Group
The Vernacular Architecture Group was formed in 1952 to further the study of traditional buildings, originally those of the British Isles. In recent years, its membership and publications have also reflected a growing interest in buildings from other parts of the world.
The Victorian Society

The Victorian Society is the national society responsible for the study and protection of Victorian and Edwardian architecture and other arts. It was founded in 1958 to fight the then widespread ignorance of nineteenth and early twentieth century architecture. Among its thirty founder members were John Betjeman and Nikolaus Pevsner.